
Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Salmon Are On Their Way to Idaho, Or Are They?

Once again Idaho Salmon are facing another man made consolidate loan student on their migration back home. Bonneville Dam is seeing large numbers of Sea Lions and California Seals again that are feasting on our Salmon runs. While state and federal agencies have been monitoring this situation for years and have decided that they need to refinance home equity mortgage action the Humane Society of the United States has step in and are trying to prevent their efforts.

Look at some of this information posted on the Free Republic Website:

*Salmon and sea lions are protected species. But California sea lion numbers are depression medication while many northwest salmon species are struggling. The sea lion population, about 1,000 animals in the 1930s, now numbers about 238,000 along the West Coast. Biologists think the animals have maxed out available breeding sites and habitat.

The number that could be killed under the initial federal proposal is about one one-hundredth of the number that biologists estimate could be removed without undermining the overall population.
Anglers and biologists have grown increasingly frustrated with sea lions that swim up the Columbia to Bonneville Dam, where they feast on salmon gathering to climb fish ladders upriver.

Last Antidepressants monitoring crews counted sea lions eating more than 4 percent of the salmon run, although biologists suspect they probably ate more. Hudson said state and tribal biologists estimate sea lions may consume 13 percent to 17 percent of spring Chinook salmon passing through the dam."


Now I raid data recovery ntfs not know about you but I'm tired of my tax money being used to feed a predator that by all accounts have over populated their natural environment and are now seeking to find an easy meal on the very same fish that we as sportsmen, tax payers, and even as consumers have been trying to protect and improve their numbers so that we can continue to enjoy fishing for these magnificent fish.

Have you heard the answer to the problem from the Humane Society of the United States as stated by spokes woman Sharon Young "agencies should look to cut back fishing before looking at sea lions"

I'm all for protecting wildlife and I believe that I do my part I keep very few of the fish I catch and most of the time I catch a release my fish just to insure that the will be there tomorrow and for the next generation to enjoy as I have. But when you see articles like this it makes you wonder way we spend billions of dollars ever year on salmon recovery programs have numerous agencies work for their recovery and then when they decide it is time to take a corrective action we do not allow them to do anything. They do not want to eliminate the seal population only take a control measure and reduce their numbers. I say load the seals up in a box and ship them to Sharon Young and the Humane Society of the United States and tell them that there seals are in our rivers and they need to do something with them.

Migrating Salmon loose another battle as once again federal agencies battle among themselves, and nothing is being done to assist the salmon in their yearly migrations we just add another obstacle for them to contend with. When is enough going to be enough?

Steelhead, Salmon and Trout Fishing has been a passion of mine since I was a young boy. Most of my free time was spent on lakes and streams here in the northwest, and I have picked up on some interesting facts about fishing for these species over the last 45 years. I would like to share them with you through articles and at my websites I hope you find them helpful and enjoyable. So please stop by check out some information or just stock up on your fishing gear. Hope to see you on the river!
RR Smith
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