
Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Fish Oil - The Wonder Potion for Weight Loss

To one's utter amazement, it's true that fish oil has been investigated with carrying some unique weight loss properties! Recent studies exploring the close association Lowest mortgage rate finance fish oil with weight loss, fat burning and depression have created a great buzz amongst the health enthusiasts. These studies suggest that people who consume more fish oil with DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) shed obesity, are less prone to depression and burn more fat. This has led it to be considered as a power-packed food as it's already recognized to serve the following functions:

  • Provide protection against heart diseases
  • Improve brain development and bodily function
  • Minimize risks of certain cancers

A study conducted at the University of Georgia deduced that fish oil with DHA ceased the conversion of pre-fat cells into fat cells by causing them to die. Hence, if a person consumes fish oil on a daily basis, he or she equity line of credit rates easily get rid off unwanted accumulated fat that have long taken shelter in your bodily castle.

This is not the only benefit that has been assigned to fish oil. Further research carried out by the University of South Australia has suggested that fish oil capsules in conjunction with routine exercise can burn viatical settlement company calories and ensure effective weight loss as compared to exercise without fish oil/omega supplement. This study also brought to light several other factors. The group consuming fish oil showed much better heart health than those who did not. Of the 75 overweight adults in the study (ages 25 to 65), who received daily fish oil supplements had a 10% reduction in LDL (bad) cholesterol levels and 14% decrease in triglycerides. [American meridia drug of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 85:1267-1274]

A pretty recent study in Japan conveyed that omega 3 fish oil boosted fat metabolism owing to which the lab mice were observed to undergo significant weight reduction.

The necessity of essential fats to keep our hormones balanced has long been understood by scientists. The essential fatty acids in fish oil not only help to spur body metabolism but also negate further chances of weight gain. Talking about hormonal imbalance, most dieters feel an urge to abandon their weight loss program on account of anxiety and depression. Doctors now recommend the omega 3 rich fish oil or omega supplements to overcome dieter's depression and anxiety.

Superior quality prolipid/prolipid-softgel-capsules/introducing-prolipid-softgel-capsules.htmlfish oil capsules or omega supplement thus provide an easy solution to get rid off extra flab and shrug off haunting depressions. Once you believe in the magical wonders of fish oil, you will never look back again!

Wain Roy is an internet marketing professional expert in various industries like quick car insurance quote estate, web design, finance, medical tourism, pharmacy drug and prolipid/prolipid-softgel-capsules/introducing-prolipid-softgel-capsules.htmlomega supplement


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