
Tuesday, May 13, 2008

From The Mom & Pop Shop Into The Corporate Culture

that article is based on facts and not fiction.

I'm an analyst and I travel all over the U.S. diagnosing businesses and making recommendations to my clients. I'm a Diagnostician, the business doctor.

After traveling that past year as a diagnostician, I've found that every business owner whom I've met has the same problems.

They were all overworked and underpaid. Unsure aaa car insurance quote where there business was going, crying and dying inside because they had know idea how much work it was to run a business.

The majority of my clients are uneducated, arrogant, unhealthy, and believe they are God's gift to man. They believe their product is the only product they can sell and manufacture. They take no risk, have no vision, and are so empty minded it's a wonder how they have stayed in business that long.


If you cannot measure it you cannot manage it and Washington Lemon Laws you cannot manage it you cannot control it. THEY LIVE BY THEIR CHECK BOOKS IN SURVIVOR MODE INSTEAD OF MEASURING THEIR WEALTH.

They work with no business plans, no budgets, no asset protection, no estate planning, no living wills, no life insurance, no benchmarking, no dash boards, no sales cycles, no advertising or marketing budgets or strategies, and however they think there business is slow because the market is slow.

I'm so sick of hearing that... The real deal is they are lazy, scared, and don't know how to correct the mess they have put their businesses in. Heck most of them don't even know what their legal entity is. When asked they all respond the same way, "I'm the president and owner". (Idiot) The answer should have been I'm a 'S" Corp. "C" Corp or Sole proprietor, etc. When asked what's your labor burden rate, they all respond, "What's That" (The rate of pay to your labor workers), What's the hourly or salary rate? How much money are you spending on your employees? (Idiot)

We as professional people tend to get injury lawyers situations where we Chocolate why we took the job. First of all, either you had the passion in you already and it was something that you've dreamed of doing all your life, or anyone challenged you and told you that you could not do it. Most of the time it's because you have been challenged by your parents, siblings, peers, and friends, to be successful and not because it's been your dream.

The majority of the small Mom & Pop businesses was passed down throughout generations of families. Someone in that family had a product idea and decided to see if they could sell it to anyone and it worked. So they became good at selling their product. that does not qualify them to be a business owner.

The first vardenafil to that for them was very emotional, exciting, and fun. Then after there 1st 100k it became work, lack of sleep, and lack of knowledge on how to control the growth. So they say to themselves "I need some help so I guess I'd better hire anyone". Then they get in trouble with the IRS because of the 941 employee taxes.

And on top of that they pick the legal entity status based on what there CPA or Attorney tells them without learning more about what each entity means. And the first year when corporate taxes are done and they don't have to pay the IRS anything they jump for joy because of the write-offs or the bad debt. But when they become profitable and start paying on the profit they are pissed, and end up with broken focus and that's when the business begins to fail.

Keep in mind they never went to school to run a business and however most businesses fail in the first 5 years because of that poor planning. Others fail because of lack of integrity in ownership and arrogance in ownership. (The Owners Behavior)

In a panic that is when the business owner will become the CPA's and Attorneys suckers. They get sucked into the so called fix, and end up in bankruptcy court or jail.

Small businesses go through many obstacles but the biggest is as I said once before, the owners behavior. They tend to work as an employee instead of an owner, not realizing what a big mistake they are making getting that involved in the work instead of bringing in new business.

It's not there job to do the work but to delegate authority, build morale, train, coach, and implement policy.

The four most important things employees look at when they are seeking employment are good salary, incentives, benefits, and training. Its the good salary or lack of benefits that causes high turnover almost every time.

People will quit there job based on the fact that their small business owner is too cheap to pay them what they are worth or won't come up with some type of benefit package to keep them there.

NEPOTISM - Very big in small businesses. The owners either have a "SEXERTARY", or all there family members working for them so they will completely disregard the rules of families working in a corporate setting and create much nepotism.

There is so much more I can write about that subject but I just wanted to give you a little taste of what it's been like for me on the road in the past year. If your interested in hearing some more just let me know.

I am a diagnostician who spends my spare time doing nutritional counseling and working on my ebooks, and my websites. I've always challenged myself in creating multiple streams of success in my life. You can check out some of the things I am currently working on by going to the following links: www.myvemma.com/prayerchangesuswww.myvemma.com/prayerchangesus or www.itsinmystore.comwww.itsinmystore.com and remember that "Prayer Really Does Change Us".

Tree Grice


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